Arizona vs. California Franchise Tax Board

Legal authorities in the Grand Canyon State are not amused by California’s view that indirect interests in California LLCs mean that the entities are doing business in California. And they’re mad enough to take action, asking leave to sue California in the United States Supreme Court.

The issue involved is not new. California’s Franchise Tax Board believes that indirect ownership of an entity doing business in California, or even indirect ownership of an entity that indirectly owns another entity that does business in California, is enough to make all such entities be considered to do business in California. Arizona calls this an “illegal scheme” and wants it to end. The only way is to ask the Supreme Court for permission to take the case; Arizona filed the request in February. California objects to the characterization and states that impacted business owners have ways of fighting the $800 charge.

The problem is that the charge is $800, and the cost to fight is in the thousands of dollars, so few do. There are cases (such as Swart) where business owners fight back, but they take years, are expensive, and require extraordinary deep pockets. Arizona estimates the damage to Arizona business at $10.6 million a year.

Disputes between the states are subject to judicial review by the Supreme Court; however, the Supreme Court must agree to take the case. The Supreme Court is scheduled to decide whether or not to review this in the coming weeks. If the Supreme Court takes the case, it would likely be heard next winter.


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