Holy Housing in Los Angeles?

Back in 2005, I reported on the Orange County Sewage District’s hiring of a spiritual counselor. The idea of spiritual sewage made me laugh…at least, I’m not in the OCSD so the tax dollars didn’t come out of my pockets. I couldn’t imagine any other government agency in California repeating the OCSD’s mistake.

I should never overestimate the intelligence of bureaucrats.

The Los Angeles Times reported today that the Los Angeles Housing Department has paid over $18,800 to a Hawaii Zen Buddhist priest. According to the story, Norma Wong has conducted management training, “…that includes teaching breathing with sphincter control, learning ‘how to stand’ and playing with wooden sticks.”

Of course private industry sometimes does things like this. I’ve seen and participated in outdoors training, team-building exercises, etc. in my career in private industry. However, I’ve never done stick exercises.

Residents of the City of Los Angeles will be happy to know that the L.A. City Council has approved a new contract with Ms. Wong for $15,000. Your tax dollars at work….

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