Archive for the ‘Oregon’ Category

Oregon Looking at a Mileage Tax

Sunday, January 4th, 2009

Among the many taxes that we pay is the gasoline tax. Oregon, which has no sales tax, uses the gasoline tax as its primary funding for road repairs. Governor Ted Kulongoski wants to change that.

“As Oregonians drive less and demand more fuel-efficient vehicles, it is increasingly important that the state find a new way, other than the gas tax, to finance our transportation system,” Governor Kulongoski told the News-Record.

There are obvious problems with a complete switchover. Many cars do not have GPS devices; equipment would also be needed at every gasoline station. And what would happen if an Oregonian bought gas in Washington state? Or if he drove there; would he have to pay the mileage tax on out-of-state driving?

Still, the linked article gives a look at a possible future source of government revenues. Interestingly enough, Governor Kulongoski is asking for the gasoline tax to be raised by $0.02/gallon.

What You Do in Salem Won’t Stay in Salem…

Thursday, June 15th, 2006

It’s a nice, Spring day, and you’re relaxing in your office at the Oregon Department of Revenue. All that’s on your desk is a stack of tax returns. So why not browse some pornography on the Internet?

Well, you’re now an ex-employee. And there was a Trojan on the Porn site. And those files you were working on? Someone, somewhere may have that data.

Hat Tip: TaxProf Blog

Oregon DOR Press Release

AP Story

Tax by the Mile?

Tuesday, February 15th, 2005

Over the past few months, there have been stories (trial balloons?) on replacing the gasoline tax with a “per mile” road tax. As this story from CBS notes, Oregon is testing the idea. For a large number of reasons, this is a bad idea that is likely doomed to failure.

[Click on “Show” to read the rest of the story]
