Archive for the ‘Pennsylvania’ Category

Pennsylvania Shuts Down, Sort Of

Monday, July 9th, 2007

The Keystone State is having a budget crisis. Governor Ed Rendell (D) has ordered a shutdown of all non-essential state services in Pennsylvania. The problem? There’s no approved state budget, and with the fiscal year having begun the state has no authority to spend money.

Pennsylvania, like many states, has a divided (politically) government. Governor Rendell is a Democrat, the state’s lower house is controlled by Democrats, but the state senate is controlled by Republicans.

Governor Rendell’s proposed budget features an energy charge that would cost residents an estimated $5.40 a year. That’s one of the reasons Republicans are holding up the budget. Other issues include a new hockey arena for the Pittsburgh Penguins and a new convention center in Philadelphia—issues that Governor Rendell wants considered before the budget but issues that the Republicans want considered after the budget. Republicans also want to cut $300 million from the state’s $27.3 billion budget according to Bloomberg.

Gamblers, though, got “lucky.” A state court judge has allowed the five racinos in Pennsylvania to remain open pending a hearing tomorrow.

The Grinch Is Alive and Well in Pennsylvania

Tuesday, December 27th, 2005

Pity those of you who own businesses in Pennsylvania. For your elected officials have no pity, and just days before Christmas put lumps of coal in your stockings.

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell (D) vetoed a package of business tax cuts last Friday. Rendell claimed that the tax cuts would have cost Pennsylvania over $1 billion in lost revenue. Proponents of the tax cuts noted that, “If our citizens have good jobs, they don’t need government programs. Proponents vow an attempt at overriding the veto during the 2006 legislative session.

Earlier, the mayor of Philadelphia, John Street, announced that he would veto a cut in the city’s business privilege tax. The measure, which had just passed the city council on a 9 to 6 vote, would have cut the net profits portion of the tax from 6.5% to 6.3125% and cut the gross receipts portion from 0.19% to 0.11875%. Both of these cuts would have been effective in 2010.

Pennsylvania in general and Philadelphia in particular is definitely not the spot I’d choose for my next business.


Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Philadelphia: Philadelphia Business Journal