The Tax Reform Panel’s Report: Why It’s Irrelevant

Yesterday, the Tax Reform Panel issued its final report (available here). I have come to the conclusion that no matter the merits of the reforms mentioned (which I previously commented on), this plan (really, plans) are dead-on-arrival in Congress.

A quick search of Google news shows the following:
Senior US Senator From Iowa Opposed to Panel’s Recommendations
Realtors Upset With Tax Reform Panel
LA Times: Popular Tax Breaks Put on Chopping Block
New York Congresswoman: Unfair Tax Increase

You get the idea.

Now, the merits of the proposals are quite different than the rhetoric. But given that this proposal will be opposed by the delegations in New York, California, and other high-tax states, and is apparently opposed by Senator Grassley of Iowa, it has no chance of passage.

If you want to read more about the reaction to the panel’s report, the TaxProfBlog has a series of links to think tank reactions to the report.

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