Hot Air in More Ways than One

VaporTech is a Livermore (California) company that uses steam, vapor, and high pressure to clean toxic soils or increase oil production from old wells. Its CEO used to be John Frances Griffin. I say ‘used to be’ because Mr. Griffin, already under indictment for mail fraud, has now been charged with two counts of tax evasion.

A federal grand jury in Oakland indicted Mr. Griffin on tax evasion charges last week. Griffin supposedly didn’t tell his CFO his social security number, and got paid in cash and cashier’s checks to avoid having his income shown. (I will only briefly note that the CFO, who was not identified in the news story, should have his head examined.)

Mr. Griffin is already in a halfway house awaiting trial. He’s likely going to be spending some significant time at ClubFed. Additionally, the government has begun forfeiture proceedings against him, and wishes to obtain a gold tennis racket, televisions, and over $17,000 in clothes from Nieman Marcus.

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