Western Tax Service Raises Its Head…Again

In February 2006, I wrote about the “end of the sage” for Western Tax Service. Western Tax Service, for those who don’t remember, had inventive but illegal methods for getting refunds for its’ clients: phony deductions for employee business expenses, false charitable deductions, fake deductions for tax payments, and other similar shenanigans. Back then, Samuel Joseph DeAngelo pleaded guilty to defrauding the IRS and aiding and assisting in the filing of false tax returns.

Mr. DeAngelo was finally sentenced on Monday. He received 51 months at ClubFed. Also sentenced on Monday was Erin Cordes, another tax preparer for Western; Cordes received one year of probation. Joe Shields will be sentenced in mid-October.

By the way, the total tax revenue lost to the US government in the Western Tax Service scam was $15,458,732. That’s a lot of fraud.

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