Dentist Who Investigated the Income Tax Gets 33 Months

Back in September, I noted the case of Lakeland, Florida dentist Nancy Montgomery-Ware. During her trial for tax evasion, she “figured out” that the income tax isn’t allowed under the Constitution. She also said that her husband told her she was crazy. It didn’t take long for a jury to find her guilty.

Last week was the sentencing hearing for Ms. Montgomery-Ware.
She now said that it was her husband that made her commit the crime and that she didn’t want to do it. She also said that she was in an abusive relationship and her attorney asked that the judge stray from the sentencing guidelines so that she could raise her child. And she paid the full $326,000 tax bill.

Still, some time at ClubFed was in the cards. Judge James Moody sentenced Ms. Montgomery-Ware to 33 months and a $25,000 fine. She had to pay the price for committing a crime.

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