$5 Million or $228,000…

Joe Kristan has an excellent round-up of tax bloggers’ reactions to Wesley Snipes’ sentencing. Joe’s conclusion is worth noting (especially if you have ideas of following Mr. Snipes’ attempts at not paying federal taxes):

Mr. Snipes’ acquittal on the felony charges still is important – I estimate that he would have served at least 3 more years had he been convicted. Still, the sentences ought to give some food for thought to the “show me the law” crowd — especially that given to Eddie Kahn, who refused to recognize the authority of the court. If you don’t think there is a law requiring them to pay income tax, but the federal judges, U.S. Marshals, and the Bureau of Prisons think there is such a law, your opinions won’t help you avoid prison any more than it helped Eddie Kahn or Wesley Snipes.

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