The List

The Franchise Tax Board has posted its six month revision of its 250 biggest scofflaws. The largest debtors from October are gone, and a new name leads the list: Pinehill Investment of Rye, New York owes the FTB $6.133 million. The largest individual debt is Michael S. Fitzsimmons of New York City; according to the FTB his debt is $4.436 million.

There is still at least one celebrity on that list. Orenthal Simpson probably has more to worry about than his $1.528 million debt.

It took $195,994.96 to make the list. And five taxpayers have paid in full (collecting $604,395.31 to California). Others are obviously on payment plans or in negotiations as the top tax delinquent is no longer on the list. What we don’t know is whether or not these taxpayers were shamed into paying or just happened to get around to it.

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