New York Governor Looks to Increase 88 Taxes and User Fees

New York already already has the second worst tax climate in the country according to the Tax Foundation. Governor David Paterson today announced a budget that seeks to add or increase 88 taxes and user fees.

User fees are just another form of taxes, and as I’ve said before all taxes and fees are passed on to consumers. New York faces another difficulty in adding taxes: its proximity to other states. If clothes cost more in New York, consumers can always go to New Jersey or Connecticut.

There are some planks of Governor Paterson’s budget that deserve praise. Governor Paterson proposes eliminating seven state agencies. He also proposes the smallest increase in spending in years, just 1%.

Here are just some of the taxes/user fees that are proposed:
– An increase on the tax on beer, wine, and flavored malt beverages;
– An iPod tax on digital downloads;
– State sales tax on entertainment purchases, taxis, buses, limousines, and satellite and cable television;
– A $0.50 cigar tax;
– An 18% tax on non-diet sodas; and
– Luxury taxes on expensive cars, yachts, airplanes, furs, and jewelry.

Of course, this is just a budget, and it must be approved by the New York state legislature. Governor Paterson told the New York Daily News, “If you start taxing at times when [revenues are] receding, you’ll drive job creators out of the state.” He could teach California’s legislature and governor something about basic economics. We’ll see if the New York legislature understands that.

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