Proposition 1F

I start the look at California’s ballot initiatives (the election is two weeks from today) with the last proposition on the ballot, Proposition 1F. I’ve decided to work backwards on these measures, from the least impactful to the most.

Proposition 1F’s official title is, “ELECTED OFFICIALS’ SALARIES. PREVENTS PAY INCREASES DURING BUDGET DEFICIT YEARS.” And this is one of the few measures on the ballot that does exactly what it says it will do.

But it’s what it doesn’t do that’s interesting. First, realize that California can’t have a budget deficit (the state is constitutionally required to have a balanced budget). What this measure does is prevent wage increases to elected officials when borrowing or other measures are used to “balance” the budget.

I don’t have a strong opinion on this measure. (I definitely do on some of the other ballot measures as you will see.) Proponents argue that it will help fix the dysfunction in Sacramento. Opponents state that it will really do nothing, and that it will actually harm some innocent bystanders.

No matter where you stand, remember to vote on May 19th.

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