Not Taking No for an Answer

No means no. Well, to most of us it does. But not so for Jean Marie Boursiquot, recently of Deltona, Florida but soon to be residing at ClubFed. Mr. Boursiquot was a professional tax preparer (part of the Bozo wing of our profession); he specialized in Haitian immigrants.

Mr. Boursiquot was successful, too. Of course, this may have been due to him not taking no for an answer. If a client came to him and said, “Don’t prepare my return,” he prepared those returns…and pocketed the refunds. Yes, he forged signatures on tax returns and deposited tax refund checks into his own business bank account. Isn’t amazing how these people never owe the IRS? But I digress….

He was arrested on charges of not filing a tax return for 2002, and falsifying his 2003 return. (For 2003 he claimed income of $41,000 while living in a $750,000 house.) He pleaded guilty, and he was sentenced last week.

Back in 2006 he was ordered to repay the government $858,000. I guess that lesson didn’t sink in. Perhaps this one will. Mr. Boursiquot will spend 30 months at ClubFed and must make restitution of $150,000. Sometimes no really does mean no.

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