Don’t Brag When You’re Committing A Crime

One of my favorite websites is the Bozo Criminal of the Day. Every so often we get to see a story about a particular dumb criminal who decides to do something dumb:

From Papillion, Nebraska, comes the story of a group of teenage bozos who decided to throw what they called a “history making party.” They listed all the details on their facebook page…Guess it never occurred to them that the police read facebook, too. The party was busted and nine minors were charged with alcohol possession.

That’s the entry for April 29th of this year. And there have been dumb criminals using YouTube, too.

Well, not only are police departments using social media, but tax departments are, too. The Wall Street Journal has a story today noting that state tax departments read MySpace and Facebook.

Hint: If you’re going to evade taxes, don’t brag about it on the Internet. Even better, don’t evade taxes in the first place.


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