I Survived!

There’s a show on Discovery called I Survived. The show features individuals who survive situations that could lead to death.

Nothing like that for me (thankfully), but another tax season has come and gone. I can put 2008 to bed within the next few days (there are still a few electronically filed returns that haven’t been accepted by various tax agencies) and begin to think about the 2009 tax season.

First, I want to thank Scott Harker for his assistance in moving this blog. The news that my former hosting company was going to disband during the final weeks of the 2008 tax season was anything but good news for me. I asked Scott for his assistance in finding a new host and platform for Taxable Talk. He did a great job with both. Now all I have to do is understand all the wonderful toys that come with WordPress. I’ll probably figure this out before year-end…I hope.

Second, I want to thank Governor Schwarzenegger for helping California accountants get additional business. Last week the Governator vetoed a conformity bill. That bill (had it been signed) would have brought California tax law into general conformity with federal tax law. However, the Governator didn’t like a provision in the bill that dealt with refund claims. Thus, yet another reason I tell my friends that I have lifetime employment.

I also want to thank the Office of Professional Responsibility (of the IRS) for continuing the Nanny Statism. According to the California Society of Enrolled Agents (CSEA), my client communications (i.e. Engagement Letters, etc.) must be typed at a 12-point font. So my Engagement Letter for next year (the 2009 Tax Season) will have to be two pages.

Finally, I’m starting to go through all the old posts and put them in categories. I expect this process will take months. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this, so as I have time I’m doing it. I’m also putting Tags on all the new posts and selected older posts. If anyone has some other ideas about utilizing WordPress feel free to email them to me.

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