A Layover of 33 Months

In July 2006 I reported on David Carruthers. Mr. Carruthers needed to fly from London to San Jose, Costa Rica. No nonstops were available, so he flew through DFW. The 2-hour layover ended up being 33 months. Mr. Carruthers happened to be an executive at BetOnSports.com, an Internet sportsbetting company. While that was legal in the United Kingdom and Costa Rica, it was (and is) illegal in the United States.

Mr. Carruthers was arrested. His plea bargain deal finally concluded last week; he was sentenced to 33 months at ClubFed for violating federal wagering laws (primarily the Wire Act). Since Mr. Carruthers’ arrest online gambling hasn’t slowed down, but online gambling executives no longer fly through US airports.

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