In January I reported on Bozo tax protesters Tony & Micaela Dutson. Back then it was alleged that the Dutsons “tried to obstruct the IRS by filing baseless liens against four IRS workers.” Additionally, the Dutsons allegedly filed a lawsuit that the government characterizes as “frivolous” against one of the IRS investigators and allegedly lied about making payments in the millions to the individuals investigating them. The original indictment claimed that they were allegedly marketing an illegal tax avoidance program. They were barred back in 2006 from selling the program.
Well, we can change alleged to convicted on nine counts. Via the TaxProfBlog:
A married couple was convicted of running an elaborate tax shelter scheme for over a decade in which they marketed tax trusts to clients, filed lawsuits against IRS employees, and prepared a $108 million tax lien against former Treasury Secretary John Snow.
Oregon attorney Micaela Renee Dutson, 48, and her husband Tony Dutson, 53, were convicted of nine counts for various criminal tax violations, defrauding the U.S. government out of approximately $7 million. The couple were convicted of conspiring to defraud the IRS, obstructing the IRS, causing clients to use bogus financial instruments in an attempt to pay their taxes, failing to file tax returns, and aiding and advising a client to file a false tax return.
I also need to mention that the Dutson filed a lien against then Treasury Secretary John Snow for $108 million.
Well, the Dutsons won’t be getting that $108 million or the $1 trillion from IRS employees in California. However, they will likely get a lengthy stay at ClubFed where they’ll earn roughly $1.00 an hour.
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