The Annoying Ringtone Tax

A friend sent me the following, asking me if I had heard about this new tax?

Any cell phone user having a ringtone other than Rrrring, Rrring, John Philip Sousa’s stirring “The Internal Revenue Service March,” or–in homage to Colbert–“La Marseillaise” would be subject to having their bank accounts confiscated, their cattle slaughtered, their lands put to the torch, and their rollover minutes forfeited.

Well, it’s not real. It’s from Christopher Buckley’s article in ForbesLife titled “But Enough About You IRS, Mon Amour.” It includes such gems as the Driving While Texting Tax, the Nonsmoking Tax, the 3-D Movie Glasses Tax, Aircraft Lavatory User Fees, and the Celebrity Tax. I’m actually annoyed that Mr. Buckley put in the Aircraft Lavatory User Fees; I would not be shocked to see that at some future date.

You can read Mr. Buckley’s article here.

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