It Was Only $12 Million and You Seized it Five Years Ago, So Now You’re Filing Charges?

One of my first ever blog posts (back in 2005) was short and succinct: “Cops Moonlighting as Strip Club Bouncers Charged with Tax Fraud.” Back in April, 2005, Michael Wellek, the owner of an Elk Grove Village (Illinois) strip club called “Heavenly Bodies” and his policemen workers found themselves in trouble.

It all began when $12 million in cash was seized from a warehouse owned by Mr. Wellek in 2003. The government accused Mr. Wellek of owing $11 million in taxes, penalties and interest. The civil case drags on to this day.

However, after five years there is an update. This past week Mr. Wellek was indicted on tax charges for not filing tax returns from 1989 to 1999 while maintaining that $12 million in a warehouse. The two-count indictment alleges that Mr. Wellek obstructed the IRS and filed a false tax return in 2000. Mr. Wellek’s attorney told both the Chicago Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune that he expects Mr. Wellek to plead guilty to both charges this week.

Sometimes the wheels of justice turn very, very slowly.

News Stories: Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune

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