Hint: If You’re in Politics, Skimming Money Isn’t a Good Idea

Politicians and anyone else in the public eye are far more likely than others to find themselves audited than others. Take Richard Rober and his wife Averill.

Mrs. Rober owned Gator Water and Wastewater Management, Inc. The business was sold, and payments came in. The Robers skimmed money off of each payment and kept it for personal expenses. They neglected to tell their accountant about the skim. Did I mention that Mr. Richey was the mayor of Port Richey, Florida?

All might have been well except that the company that bought Gator Water alleged that the Robers were skimming. The IRS launched an investigation and found out the allegation was true. Today, the Robers pleaded guilty to one count each of tax evasion.

As usual, it’s a whole lot easier to just pay the tax you owe in the first place…especially if you’re in the public eye.

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