A brief story in the Las Vegas Review-Journal noted that the chairman of the Nevada Gaming Control Board, A.G. Burnett, proposed that online poker tournaments be subject to tax (on the net profit of the tournament). This bill, Senate Bill 9, is a favorite to pass. Note that this is a tax on the company running the tournament, not on the players. Something I didn’t realize is that casinos in Nevada do not have to pay state tax on live poker tournaments.
Separately, Nevada Assembly Majority Leader William Horne (D-Las Vegas) proposed that the online gambling registration fee be increased to $1 million from $500,000 and that the cost of renewing be increased to $500,000 from $250,000. However, Republican Governor Brian Sandoval does not support the increase. It’s probable a compromise will end up being reached on the fees.
Nevada’s legislature meets once every-other-year for just 120 days.
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