Sometimes, Pigs Do Fly (California Repeals FTB’s QSB Tax Grab)

I look out the window of my office, and I saw the pig that flies:

A flying pig?

[The Flying Pig is via a Creative Commons license, from Wikipedia. And, no, I didn’t see one flying by my office in Las Vegas.]

California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation “repealing” the Franchise Tax Board’s grab of revenue via the QSB decision. For those who don’t remember, last year a court ruled that California couldn’t discriminate against owners of Qualified Small Business Stock who reinvested the proceeds in a non-California company. So the Franchise Tax Board had ruled that anyone who did this would be subject to back taxes on the proceeds of their QSB stock. It was a decision that had California’s tech community in an uproar.

Kudos to Governor Jerry Brown who officially put the end to the FTB’s tax grab. He signed legislation that through legislation states that entrepreneurs and others who followed the law do not have to pay back taxes, penalties, and interest to California.

So pigs did fly in Sacramento…at least for one day.

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