PTIN Follies, Year 4

This is the fourth year I’ve had to pay for my PTIN (my third year to renew it). A PTIN is a Preparer Tax Identification Number–it’s a number I use when I prepare a tax return. It’s a means for the IRS to identify which returns are prepared by which tax professionals.

The IRS announced that renewals are open. Seeing no reason to wait I decided to log into the system. I did remember that my user name is all caps (the IRS converted it back for my first renewal, 2011).

Again, my password doesn’t work so I request a new one. I get into the system fine, and enter my information, hit “next” and…I’m logged out. I re-enter the system…and am immediately logged out again.

I try calling the help number for the system…and after hitting the correct combination of digits on my phone, hear the helpful message, “There is no one available to help you at the present time. Your call will now be disconnected.” CLICK!

I remain underwhelmed. (I’ll try again in a week.)

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One Response to PTIN Follies, Year 4

  1. Esteban says:

    I was able to log in but when I try to pay it loops me back to the previous screen. I have been trying for two days with no luck.

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