You remember the IRS scandal? It’s still around, and it appears that the IRS (or highly placed individuals at the IRS) violated the law.
From Eliana Johnson comes a report that begins,
The Internal Revenue Service may have been caught violating federal tax law: In October 2010, the agency sent a database on 501(c)(4) social-welfare groups containing confidential taxpayer information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to documents obtained by a House panel.
Congressmen Darrell Issa and Jim Jordan sent a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen demanding information:
The Committee learned recently that the IRS transmitted 21 disks containing over 1.1 million pages of information about tax exempt groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in October 2010 in advance of Lois Lerner’s meeting with the Justice Department about potentially using campaign-finance laws to criminally prosecute certain nonprofit groups engaged in political speech. We were extremely troubled by this new information, and by the fact that the IRS has withheld it from the Committee for over a year. We were astonished to learn days ago from the Justice Department that these 21 disks contain confidential taxpayer information protected by federal law. We ask that you immediately produce all material explaining how these disks were prepared and transmitted to the FBI.
Here are the emails that show this happened:
Violating federal law is a very good reason to take the Fifth Amendment. Now, it might not have been Ms. Lerner who ordered this, but if it wasn’t her she definitely knows who it was.
Additionally, the IRS’s non-cooperation with the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the general IRS attacks on the GOP don’t sit well with the GOP. Until it is learned who ordered the IRS policy on 501(c)(4) organizations, the IRS’s budget will be shrinking, not increasing. Based on what I just read, if anyone is expecting the IRS’s budget to increase this year, well, that has as much chance as it snowing here in Las Vegas tomorrow. (The high is expected to reach just 105 F.)
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