Speaking of Efficiency

I do know how we can improve the Tax Code: Force Congresscritters to do their own taxes. I have an instructive vignette on why this is the case.

A friend of mine was hired by a major tax software company to be in customer support. He has had to learn about the Tax Code so he can answer questions. Currently, he’s taking training courses. He had this to say recently:

If you say anything about Basis, At-Risk, or Passive Limitations, I’m going to have to cut you. One of the biggest things I’m learning at [Software Company] is our tax code is ****ed and needs serious fixing.

Imagine what would happen if every Congresscritter did their own tax returns by hand. The Tax Code would unanimously be shrunk four hours later. My friend probably didn’t give the Tax Code much thought until he took his new job. I’m certain he agrees with me that using it as a “Swiss Army Knife” makes no sense.

Unfortunately, there’s no chance of meaningful reform with the current President. His goals appear to be to make things worse rather than better. It will be at least 2017 before meaningful tax reform will be on the table.

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One Response to Speaking of Efficiency

  1. Pingback: Tax Roundup, 12/8/14: Denison! And: Do-or-die week for extenders? « Roth & Company, P.C

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