Harassing IRS Agents Isn’t a Bright Idea

Speaking of ways to get in trouble with the IRS, one is to harass an IRS agent. They don’t like it (and it’s a crime). Scott Bodley of Silver City, New Mexico apparently didn’t care.

Back in 2003 Mr. Bodley threatened to file liens on an IRS agent who was auditing his taxes. (Had he done so, those liens would have been quashed.) He quit his job in 2004 to stop an IRS levy. Then he filed false paperwork with employers so he wouldn’t have taxes withheld, claimed he was a sovereign citizen, and basically tried to avoid paying his taxes. His actions did work for a few years, but his luck ran out on Friday. That’s when he was convicted of 26 charges including harassing IRS agents, filing false tax returns, and tax evasion.

Mr. Bodley will be sentenced in May, and he’ll likely have some time at ClubFed to think about the reality that it’s always easier to just pay your taxes in the first place…but that somehow doesn’t enter the Bozo mind.

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One Response to Harassing IRS Agents Isn’t a Bright Idea

  1. Pingback: Tax Roundup, 2/10/15: Iowa House may vote on conformity today. And: pass-through isn’t the same as “small.” « Roth & Company, P.C

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