Of course ten doesn’t equal 2,500. However, in the brave new world of the United States Postal Service it does. On Monday, I mailed a Tax Organizer to a client here in Las Vegas; she’s about ten miles from where I am. I also mailed a completed tax return to a client in South Carolina. Both will be received today.
About one year ago the Postal Service noted their plans of slowing down first class mail delivery as a tool to save money. These have apparently now gone into full effect. Anything that isn’t a parcel (or Priority Mail) is being slowed down by one day. Mail that in the past would take one day to go from Summerlin to Henderson (two areas of Las Vegas) now takes two days. My Priority Mail package to Columbia, South Carolina takes the same two days.
This is just something to realize when you mail a letter (to your tax professional or anyone else); it may take a bit longer to get where it’s going. However, when you mail something to the IRS or a state tax agency, it’s the date of postmark that counts so while the slowdown will impact when your payment posts it does not impact the timeliness of the payment.
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