Does a Nonresident Alien Spouse that Has Elected to be Treated as a US Person Need to File an FBAR?

With the FBAR deadline upon us, an interesting question arose: Does a spouse covered by the ยง1.6013-6 regulation allowing a nonresident alien individual to be treated as a resident need to file an FBAR? Logic says no; the FBAR comes out of the Bank Secrecy Act, not the Tax Code. And the IRS agrees with logic: “If the wife is non us person for FBAR therefore she does not have a filing requirement.” (That quote comes from a question I submitted to the FBAR group at the IRS.)

But beware, if the taxpayers have a Form 8938 filing requirement the wife’s accounts will need to be reported on that form. That’s a tax form, so the accounts would need to be included.

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One Response to Does a Nonresident Alien Spouse that Has Elected to be Treated as a US Person Need to File an FBAR?

  1. Pingback: Tax Roundup, 6/30/15: It’s FBAR Day! Foreign and gaming account owners, do or die. « Roth & Company, P.C

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