An IRS Identity Protection Unit Saga: Part 2

When we last left the Identity Protection (IP) Unit saga of John Smith, he successfully verified his identity and was told he should receive his refund within nine weeks (or by May 25th).  On July 12th Mr. Smith sent us a message saying he hadn’t heard a thing (nor had he received his refund).  I confirmed with him that he had successfully verified his identity.

I ran an Account Transcript to see if the tax return had been processed; it did not show as having been processed.  On July 14th, I called the IRS Practitioner Priority Service (PPS); PPS has some tools that can see returns in other stages of processing than practitioners can.  Unfortunately, the PPS representative didn’t see anything; he transferred me to the IP Unit.  I was told:

Your client successfully verified his identity on March 23.  The 2020 return has not posted to the main IRS system for processing; , the issue is that even though everything has been entered into the system by the IP unit, it’s stuck.  The return is “being worked” to get unstuck. A referral was sent to the subunit working the return (with you as contact).  You will hear back within 30 days with either your return having been processed or they will call me.

Thus, all should be well by August 14th, right?  I think you can guess where this is going (part 3 will be next week)….

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