Vote Early and Often

In just a few weeks, California voters will go to the polls to decide several key propositions. Among these are two that definitely could impact taxes: Propositions 76 and 77.

Proposition 76
would impact California budgeting system. State spending would be limited based on an average of recent revenue growth. Given that California has had a sustained budget deficit (our elected Democratic legislators haven’t met much spending that they would oppose), I feel that this ballot proposition should be carefully considered. You can find the arguments in favor here and the arguments against here.

Proposition 77 would change how the redistricting is done in the state. If you’ve ever looked at how district lines are drawn, you know that it’s gerrymandering to the max. Personally, I’d prefer our legislators to draw fair lines so that we would see a couple of incumbents actually have to fight for their jobs (almost every legislative district in the state is considered “safe” for the incumbent) but I think there’s no chance for this happening. Take a look at the arguments for and arguments against.

There are a number of other propositions on the ballot that you should examine; these impact prescription drugs, utility regulation, unions, and abortion. You can find information on these in your sample ballot or on the Secretary of State’s website here.

Finally, if you live in the 48th Congressional District (as I am) don’t forget that we will be voting to determine the successor to Christopher Cox as our Congressman on December 6th.

Also, I should note that I will be traveling this coming week so the next post may not be until Thursday.

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