It’s Going, Going, Gone…To Court?

It’s rare when we get to talk about the sports world on this blog. However, there are a couple of stories that are worth some discussion.

Barry Bonds, home run hitter extraordinaire, and alleged steroid/performance enhancing drug user, appears to be facing an imminent indictment on tax evasion and perjury according to his attorney. Laura Enos told this to the Associated Press, in a story appearing on Sports Illustrated’s website. Apparently the term of the grand jury investigating Bonds expires on July 20th. The story does not detail how or why Bonds will be indicted for tax evasion (the alleged perjury charges appear to stem from Bonds’ testimony to a different grand jury). The story also notes that money laundering charges could also be involved.

Luckily, I’m a Cubs fun and don’t have to deal with such allegations. Or wins for that matter.

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