Professor Maule of MauledAgain has a great column on the Wesley Snipes case. Among Professor Maule’s excellent points are,
“Snipes is a celebrity. People pay attention to him. Therefore, he has an obligation to set a good example. Although some celebrities do not want to be role models, the very fact that they are celebrities makes them so. I have advice for those who do not want to be role models: avoid the limelight, make a career in something obscure, and lay low. Yes, that course of action will cut your income by 90 percent or more. Such is the price that must be paid.”
“The only good thing that can come out of this [the Snipes case] is that the nation’s taxpayers will understand how much fraudulent garbage is being peddled. By that point, only those who truly wish to evade taxes will be signing up with the fraud merchants, as there would be even less reason to believe the “I didn’t know” excuse.”
Read the whole thing here; it’s well worth your time.