South Dakota to Southern Californians: We’re Business Friendly

An interesting story out of the San Jose Mercury-News: The governor of South Dakota, Dennis Daugaard, will make a recruiting trip to Southern California to recruit businesses to relocate. The article notes the advantages of South Dakota in taxes and business climate.

I can just see a response from one of California’s Democratic politicians. It would likely go something like, Yes, Governor Daugaard is correct that South Dakota doesn’t have an income tax, it’s government is business friendly, but boy is it chilly in the winter in Pierre.

But Governor Daugaard doesn’t consider the advantages California has. We have more bureaucrats than any state. We have more levels of permitting, so our projects take longer to get built. And…

Perhaps one day California will get back to being a business friendly state. But given that Governor Brown and Democrats in the state legislature are still talking about raising taxes it doesn’t appear today’s the day.

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