It’s that time of year–the season of giving. Unlike gifts for your family and friends (where everyone, hopefully, has been nice), I’m looking for the naughty. Once again, I’m seeking nominations for this year’s Tax Offender of the Year. To qualify, the winner has to do more than cheating on his or her taxes; he or she needed to really cheat or have committed a series of Bozo-like actions. If you have a nominee, please email me at rcfox at claytontax dot com. Our previous winners:
2022: Kevin Kirton
2021: Oleg Tinkov
2020: Robert Brockman
2019: Lawrence R. Gazdick, Jr.
2018: California’s Train to Nowhere
2017: State and Local Pension Crisis
2016: Judge Diane Kroupa
2015: Kenneth Harycki
2014: Mauricio Warner
2013: U.S. Department of Justice
2012: Steven Martinez
2011: United States Congress
2010: Tony and Micaela Dutson
2009: Mark Anderson
2008: Robert Beale
2007: Gene Haas
2005: Sharon Lee Caulder
If you have a nomination, please send it to me by December 22nd.